06 September 2008

A retreat

Mary and I had the opportunity to go on a retreat this weekend. Part of this was for the business end of the youth ministry at the church. Part of the day was spent relaxing, where I read a book on youth ministry that I've wanted to read, as well as do some lectio devina. The lectio wasn't as successful as I would have liked, but I was left with a few impressions.

One impression was from Hosea 14:2-10. It has to do with repentance. Recently, I have been reminded that some of the sayings of Jesus started with, "It is written." So I have been looking in the Old Testament for those sayings. Hosea writes many things that are repeated in the N.T. The impression is that I need to study this book.

Another is that my accountability project with a couple of teens will be starting soon. As I read the youth ministry book, I realized that my greatest source for these guys will come from the Bible.

There may be more, but that will come later.

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